Meet the puppy of your dreams at one of our locations today! Please contact us to set an appointment in a private room.

The Divine Dickey

In 2018, we came in to this store, just to look at puppies. When I saw this Corgi sleeping in the bottom corner cage, I just knew I had to adopt him. I asked an employee to take him out so I can meet him, and I fell in love. He was quiet, and loved to sniff things. We took him home the next day, and MAN, was he a piece of work! He would nip at your heels and snap the air with his teeth. Since Corgis are highly intelligent, we trained him to not nip, and was able to potty train him in about a week, with only a couple accidents afterwards. His name is Rex, but we call him Dickey. He is the BEST dog anyone can ask for. Thank you so much for our newest family member!

Britney G.

Animal Kingdom | Puppies N Love