Social Distancing and Sanitizing Protocols in Stores
To our valued customers,
Social Distancing
We are doing our due diligence to reduce the transmission of Covid-19 by practicing social distancing in our stores, as recommended by the CDC and WHO. This practice should be adhered to by our guests as well. We have encouraged this by marking specific areas in each store with six feet of noted barriers. We are also adhering to the following guidelines for your and our own health and safety:
- Our employees are on strict notice to stay home if they are sick or not feeling well
- We ask the same of our guests. Any visitor to the store who shows-up exhibiting symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, or showing flu-like symptoms will be turned away politely.
- Until further notice, we are operating on an appointment-based model only, as to discourage crowds in the stores. Please call the store of your choice for more details and/or to make an appointment.
- Each guest will be provided with their own room to view a puppy and the rooms will be completely sanitized between showings.
Sanitizing Protocols
We have put into place some very specific procedures to ensure the stores are super clean and sanitized to the max during the circumstances with Coronavirus.
- Our employees are washing their hands stringently throughout the day and always before and after they assist any customer(s)
- After customers leave a puppy room, all surfaces are sanitized
- We are mopping the store floors multiple times each day
- We have hand sanitizer in the stores both for our employees and guests
- Each puppy will be wiped down after each showing
- While there is no evidence so far of any companion pets becoming infected and spreading Covid-19, we want to ensure their fur/hair is sanitized carefully and properly as it could be considered a touchpoint between customers and employees.