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January 31, 2025

Ten Amazing Dog Breeds for Kids




Categories: Blogs, Choosing a Pet

Ten Amazing Dog Breeds for Kids

What’s the only thing cuter than a puppy? Puppies and kids! Seeing the bond that forms between a child and a puppy as they grow up together is a truly unique and heart-melting experience. If you are considering adding a puppy to a household with children, we at Puppies ‘N Love and Animal Kingdom are here to help.

Your first step will be, of course, to find your puppy! It’s easy to fall for the first adorable face you see, but as exciting as this process is, it is worth giving careful thought.

The bond between a child and their puppy can be amazing!

When choosing a puppy, you’ll want to consider both the personality of the puppy and of your child. For instance, if you have a shy child or one who is nervous around dogs, a sweet lapdog may be their ideal companion. On the other hand, if you have a boisterous child that loves outdoor activities, an active breed will fit right in. We want every case of this puppy love to be a perfect match!

It’s also important to note that, just like kids, every puppy is unique. While breed informs certain traits, every puppy is going to have their own personality and will be shaped by their experiences.

Finally, remember that puppies are still babies themselves! As such, they will be more rambunctious, prone to nipping as they teethe, and mischievous than their adult counterparts. The work that you put in today to raise your puppy will pay off a thousandfold in your adult dog!

With all of this in mind, you are ready to start looking for your new family member! Here are a few of the most kid-friendly breeds to give you a place to start.

Golden RetrieverThree golden retriever puppies sitting

When you picture a friendly dog, we wouldn’t be surprised if a beautiful Golden Retriever was the first thing that popped into your head! With their silky coats and their warm “smile”, Goldens are known for being affectionate, playful, and extremely loyal. They thrive on attention, and their intelligence and desire to please makes them easy to train. They are a breed known for their “extended puppyhood”, which means that they tend to keep their youthful, energetic spirit until 2-3 years of age.  Mature Golden Retrievers are known for being mellow and gentle. Learn more about Golden Retrievers here.



Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, or “cavvies” as they are affectionately known by breed aficionados, are gentle souls. As a matter of fact, they’ve earned the nickname “The Comforter Spaniel” because of their sweet temperament. If you want a dog that will lie at your feet or on your lap, this is the dog for you! Even though they have aristocratic roots, these guys are no snobs! Cavaliers are extremely sociable. Because of their gentle personality, they do best in mellow households and small children will need to learn not to treat them too “ruff”-ly! Train them using consistent positive reinforcement and they will grow into sweet, loving companions with eyes that could melt any heart! Learn more about Cavaliers here.



Havanesetwo havanese puppies sitting

Havanese are many a would-be-dog-owner’s dream. They are small, come in a variety of coat colors, have silky beautiful fur, and are considered hypoallergenic! Best of all, Havanese make amazing family dogs because of their friendliness toward children, their family, strangers, other animals… in short, a well-socialized Havanese loves pretty much anyone! Their coats can be cut short or grown long for children who like brushing their new pet.  They are also highly adaptable and will live happily in a house, apartment, or anywhere in between. Havanese are curious dogs that will delight children with their love of play and clownish antics. Learn more about Havanese here.


Newfoundlandthree newfoundland puppies

Newfoundlands (also called “Newfies”) are so good with children that they are famous for it! These gentle giants are called the “Nanny Dog” and were the inspiration for the dog nurse Nana in J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan. Newfoundlands are even-tempered dogs that are highly attuned to the emotions of their humans. They also absolutely love the water, so if you and your family love to swim they would be thrilled to join! While they are not aggressive by nature, they are protective of their family, and with often put themselves between a stranger and their loved ones. If your child is looking for a faithful, patient, and loving companion, a Newfie could be an excellent choice for you! Learn more about Newfoundlands here.


Beaglebeagle puppy

Beagles are a great friend for a child – just ask Charlie Brown! While real-life Beagles may not be playacting as a WWI Flying Ace or trying to pen the next great American novel, they are sturdy and cheerful dogs that enjoy hanging out with their pack. They would be perfect for a family who loves to hike. You’ll often find them with their sharp noses to the ground as they follow a scent. While sometimes stubborn, Beagles are extremely food motivated and are very bright. They are brave and sociable, and will happily accompany your child on any adventure! Learn more about Beagles here.



Old English Sheepdog

With their easygoing temperaments, it’s plain to see why Old English Sheepdogs make great family pets. They love their families fiercely and are generally patient and sweet with children. They share many traits with the Newfoundland, though are admittedly smaller and less inclined to drool. Their coats are not for the faint of heart and will require regular brushing, but they do not shed as much as one might think based on their appearance! Old English Sheepdogs are adaptable, highly trainable, and have moderate exercise needs. If you’re looking for a well-balanced dog that will stay by your side, an Old English Sheepdog would be a great contender!



Labrador Retrieversone yellow labrador and one black labrador sitting in the grass

Labrador Retrievers are the quintessential all-American dog! While they were recently dethroned by French Bulldogs, Labs held the title of most popular dog in the United States for a whopping 31 years. These boisterous dogs seem to be on a single-minded mission to befriend absolutely everyone. They will be delighted to play any number of games with your family and particularly excel at fetch. They learn quickly and are very eager to please, and this coupled with their friendly disposition has made them one of the most popular breeds of service dogs out there. Labs are happy when you are happy! If you’re looking for a true classic dog, you’ll never go wrong with a Labrador Retriever. Learn more about Labs here.



Pugtwo pug puppies sitting on autumn leaves

With their big bug eyes and wrinkled brow that looks almost fretful, the Pug has stolen the hearts of millions over the years. While their bodies may be small, their personalities are large, and they will keep you entertained with their silly antics for hours on end. These highly affectionate dogs are the perfect house pet and will gladly play with your child or cuddle on the couch after a long day. Pleasing a Pug is easy – just add love! They are also easy to care for with lesser exercise and grooming needs than some of the other dogs on this list. Young or old, single dog or one of many, Pugs are a great choice for any family just looking to add a little extra love to the mix. Learn more about Pugs here.



Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus have a lot in common with the Pug. Both breeds hail from China, both are small dogs that were bred to be lap dogs, and both absolutely soak up attention like a sponge. They do have a few key differences, however. Unlike Pugs, Shih Tzus are considered hypoallergic – a fact that may seem surprising, given that their hair is longer! Because they are low shedding, their fur does require regular grooming to avoid mats, but they make an excellent choice for someone who is worried about allergens. They are also less trusting of strangers than the outgoing Pug, but will warm up to new people with a bit of patience. Their small stature, charming personalities, and affectionate nature with children make them a popular choice for families. Learn more about Shih Tzus here.




Rounding out our list is a bit of a dark horse – the Boxer! While they may not immediately jump to mind for most when considering the most kid-friendly breeds, those who are familiar with Boxers will be quick to tell you that they make amazing family pets. They are loyal and loving dogs and can be extremely patient with their family, which is an important trait to consider for a house that has small children. More than that, Boxers are an absolute riot! They are always up to have fun and will entertain you with their goofy behavior. Don’t let that fool you – just because they’re the class clown doesn’t mean that they don’t have brains! Boxers can be stubborn, but they are quite intelligent and will respond well to consistent training. If you’re looking for a dog that is both silly and sweet, Boxers would suit your family well. Learn more about Boxers here.



Not Recommended Breeds

Are there any dog breeds that should not be in a home with children? This is a complicated question. While breed and genetics play a role in a dog’s personality, what will shape their behavior the most is early socialization and consistent training. By having positive exposure to children when still a puppy and learning the rules of the household, you can set your puppy up for success. On the other hand, failing to do so can have a negative impact on the behavior of even one of the dog breeds listed above. At Puppies ‘N Love and Animal Kingdom, we will always tell you that training is the cornerstone to a happy bond with your dog that will last for years to come!

Also worth noting is that most dog breeds that are not recommended for children are mainly concerning younger children, particularly those eight and under. Children at these ages tend to be louder, run around more, and less aware of a dog’s boundaries. Children of all ages should start learning about proper dog care and handling as soon as your puppy comes home, or even before!

In general, guardian breeds (such as Rottweilers or Bullmastiffs) or herding breeds (such as Australian Shepherds or Corgis) are only recommended for households that are extremely committed to safety and training. Quick, jerky movements can trigger herding or protection instincts, which is less than ideal for young children. Certain breeds, such as Shiba Inus and Pekingese, are extremely independent, and will not be tolerant of children poking and prodding at them. Finally, there are a few breeds such as Dalmatians or German Shorthair Pointers that are extremely active and may be likely to knock small children over in their exuberance. In most of these cases, it may be in everyone’s best interest to wait a few years before adding this puppy to the family.

As always, everything ultimately boils down to matching your household with the right puppy personality. Our Puppy Specialists are happy to help you find a pet that will best suit your lifestyle. Come see us today and let us help you find the puppy of your dreams!





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